Saturday, February 14, 2009


What does Valentine's day mean to you? Does it have a meaning at all? Hearts day as they call it, do you celebrate this very day? What do you usually do at this moment? Well, whatever plans you have for today, enjoy and have fun. As for me, I'm going to celebrate it with my students... I have a class until 9pm tonight.
A friend sent an early "Valentine" message to see if it will make it around the world by Feb. 14th. I like it so much. Thanks for sending it Mafe. The message goes this way...

For God so loV ed the world,
That He gA ve
his onL y
BegottE n
ThaT whosoever
Believeth I n Him
Should N ot perish,
But have evErlasting life." John 3:16

SHARE it around the World