Saturday, April 5, 2008


Note: Better not read if you are not Catholic, we might have conflicting ideas presented here…

Religious people don’t let the day pass without saying a prayer. They begin and end their day with a prayer. In fact, for priest, it is a mortal sin for them if they can’t celebrate a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, even to the point of saying it alone if there are no people going to the church. That’s how serious they are in prayer. They fervently do it daily. But what is a prayer for you? Do you believe in the power of prayers? Whatever religions affiliations you may have or whatever you conceive God to be, I know you have your own prayer. How often do you say a prayer? Or do you even pray? How do you pray? Or do you just pray when you need something or when you’re in trouble? What if you are alright, do you still pray? Tough question, huh?

I was raised in a religious family. I remembered clearly, we have to pray the Holy Rosary everyday. This became stronger when I studied in a religious institution, run by nuns, when I was in high school. We were taught about prayer, how to ardently pray, what to pray, when to pray, and how to make it acceptable and pleasing to God. We do the Holy Rosary, too every night through a paging system, go to Mass twice a week, and pray extra Stations of the Cross on weekends. That’s how we were brought up there for we stayed in the school’s dormitories and can only go home once a year, for only two weeks. Quite short, though!

My belief in God and in prayer even became more stronger when I joined a religious congregation when I was in the university. I was an aspirant. We have to go to Mass daily aside from morning and evening prayers. We were serving the religious needs of the community at the same time. We were only allowed to go home once every semester.

As I was nurtured in a religious institutions, I’ve learned that Holy Mass or Holy Eucharist is the highest form of prayer, for in our belief, we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Let me ask you, do you go to church and hear Mass? As Christians, it’s one of our obligations. At least once a week.

Considerably, as we continue our everyday battle here on earth, I sometimes think of what’s beyond this life, but our religion has an answer for it. What I only pray everyday is that, I placidly live my life and be away from people who are just vexations to my way as I journey. So, whatever you believe in, stick to it, for I know, we are praying and worshiping the same God but only in different names. Adhere to what you believe and torridly pray.

Dear friends, let’s unite together and pray to have a tranquil world, worthy to be lived in, and that the next generations could still harness the beauty of the world that we are experiencing now. let’s join hands and pray altogether. Don’t forget to pray everyday. “Prayer is the only way to connect with God,” I definitely believe.

1 comment:

TAX said...

i hope u set a time for a simple prayer daily

pray always and never grow weary
GOD bless us always