Wednesday, April 30, 2008
…mY fIrSt TiMe
Sunday, April 27, 2008
…iT’s mY pLeAsUrE
When my students came back from their regional battle, speech competition in the capital of our province, Hefei, I immediately asked my students about the results. They told me it was pretty tough. What a close fight! they said. I was overwhelmed by great happiness when they said someone would go to the next level, to Nanjing for another set of competition, inter-provincial competition. I was so elated and proud of her. She made it top three in the regional level. She is my student and at the same time, one of my trainees when I gave a speech training. She is in my Junior high class, though she is still in primary, for her English level is tantamount to that of the Junior high students. Congratulations to you and we wish you the best in the next level. We hope you would make it to the national level. You can make it. Believe in yourself. Remember, there's nothing impossible in this world if you do your best. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
…tO mY eVeR-sUpPoRtIvE & rEsPoNsIbLe PARENTS
It’s just that I badly miss them, especially when we talked about them with my adult students, last night during my class. I was kinda sad but I didn’t show to them. I do miss them, maybe because I am such a family-oriented person. Every time we talk about family, brothers or sisters, they always come to my mind. Miss you all so much!
My parents are just simple. They are only worried about the future of their children, our tomorrow. They are so concerned about it. They even always forgot about themselves, their own needs. They only focused on us. Such a responsible parents! I am so elevated to have such a lofty parents. (We really are). They did their best to educate us, that we can have a brilliant future, at the expense of sacrificing their own basic needs. Thanks for your care, Ma and Pa. I love you. We love you so much.
I honestly make this to let other people know, especially the parents out there, that POVERTY IS NOT A HINDRANCE TO SUCCESS. Only that if there’s a will, there’s always a way! They totally believe in this. They never let poverty barricade in achieving our bright future. It’s never a barrier, they strongly believe. We were all studying, five of us and without stopping even in the mid of difficulties. And now we harness the fruits of their labor, our labor. We are not what we are now if without them. Without their sacrifices, efforts and exertions, we wouldn’t have attained what we have right now. We owe you all these. Thanks a lot.
In spite of the hardships we encountered along the way, we were still able to survive. We have fought a good fight. As long as you have a strong will to do it, ample of courage to face challenges, a good deal of perseverance to persist until the end, sufficient enthusiasm, adequate forbearance, and a strong faith to the ONE above, there’s nothing impossible. And here we are now. Proud to say we survived, endured and outlived all the pains we encountered along the way.
Just wanna express my warmest thanks to all the people who in one way or another helped us in attaining our aims and goals in life. We are so grateful to all of you. We couldn’t be this successful if without you all. Most of all, to my dear parents, thank you and thank you so much to your unending support. Highest regard and thanks to the ONE above, whatever you believe HIM to be, thanks a lot. Ma and Pa, thanks for being always there for us. We love you! See you soon.
…FuLfiLLeD & hApPy
I got all my paraphernalias for my scrapbook; my file folder, bond paper, paste and gather all my receipts on my computer table. I started pasting the receipts to the bond paper. It took me around one and a half hours. This is actually one of my interests, as you can see in my profile, collecting receipts. So I am really happy and fulfilled after finishing it. I told myself, “You’ve done a great job today!”
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
…bIvOuAc Of LiFe
As I kept searching for what is best, I encountered a lot of hardships that I oftentimes fall, and find it hard to stand up again and face the world. It took me a while to sit back and relax, gain energy to be fully prepared for the next challenges I would come across. It takes patience, courage and hard work to be back again in this showdown of life. I did stand up and here I am facing the daily bivouac and struggles of life.
It doesn’t matter how many times you failed achieving your goals in life, it doesn’t matter how many times you kept falling and falling again, what matters most is the way you stood up, the way you fought to be back in the battle, the way you courageously faced the trials and endured the hardships you ran across. That’s the spirit of a fighter. Difficulties are always there waiting at our doors, but every time we go out to face them, we must have the right shield to protect ourselves, to cover ourselves in the arena that we might not be defeated easily.
So, let’s always shield ourselves with strength and courage all the time we go out. By that, we are always ready to face battle. Equip ourselves with knowledge and wisdom to cleverly fight in this battlefield we call earth. Be always ready! Learn from me, I always am.
…fReEdOm IsN’t FrEe
I watched a film last night for it is one of my favorite past time. It’s title is Sniper 2. I like this line uttered by the main actor, Tom Berenger, “Freedom isn’t free.” It strikes me the most. I personally like the film, too.
Friends, is it really true that freedom isn’t free? I came to think about it after I heard that line. History tells that freedom in fact, isn’t free at all. Am I right? Does that conclude it’s pretty true? Freedom from your parents also isn’t true at all cost. You have to show to them you are worth to be given one. Financial freedom, too is not easy to attain. You have to work for it. You have to see to it that you can stand financially in any circumstances.
So, let’s always work and do our best to attain freedom. Freedom at all sorts isn’t free at all. Strive hard to achieve it. Then, that’s the time you can say it’s totally free after all. Work hard and be free!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
…dIfFeReNtLy SpEnT dAy OfF
I was terribly tired after. So I went home and slept for one a half hours. Then I checked my mails and planned to do blogging. All of a sudden, my phone rang, t’was Jim, a dear friend here who invited me to stroll around. I said I am totally free. So he picked me up and we went to the oldest park here.
I was fascinated with what I saw in the park, beautiful flowers bloom and trees turn green. Such a wonderful site for taking a break and amble around. Perfect to do meditations and reflections. Cool breeze touched my skin as we walked around the park, it’s really splendid. Lake adds beauty to it. I indeed had a fabulously spent day off.
As we were there, Jim’s phone rang several times and was told to be in the office for a significant discourse. So, he left and promised to be back in 30 minutes. I just read the books he left me while he wasn’t around. I did enjoy the place. I was surrounded by the beauties of nature. It was really a reminiscing one.
After a while, as I continued reading, I saw at a distant, a gentleman riding a bicycle, as he drew closer, I recognized him. He’s Stephen, a Canadian foreign teacher in the teacher’s college. I called him. He stopped and we did a nice chatting, then Jim arrived a short while after. What a coincidence! We were laughing ‘coz it’s as if we planned to meet there. We chatted for a short while only ‘coz Stephen had something to do. He continued riding his bike as we resumed our unfinished conversation. We truly had a great time there. I like it staying there, as if I am in heaven. Thanks Jim for that wonderful time. See you next time.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
…LoNeLy No MoRe
Kinda strange but in truth factual. I do talk to them. I am really happy this time that I have someone to talk to in my house. If I feel like talking, I just sit down in front of my computer table at home and talk to them. Aside from that, before going to work, I also talk to them as well as upon arriving. I kinda like asking them whether they are alright or something. I do treat them as
Well, thanks to the concern of my colleague, Doris. I have someone with me now. I ain’t lonely anymore.
…MeT a NeW FoReIgN TeAcHeR
When my boss came yesterday, after lunch break, he was with her. I was amazed and happy. Her name is Flora, from the States. She’s also out going. I like her company even if we just met yesterday. I can feel it. So I am just hoping I could meet her sooner or later. Thanks for visiting to our school. I would just like to ask for an apology that I wasn’t able to show you around, ‘coz I had a lot of classes. But maybe next time. I hope one day, I could also visit your school. It's a college in Chizhou, an hour and a half away from here. Flora, have a good time and take care always.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
… uNdIsPuTeD
N – evertheless, it’s all up to you to say something about me. What I would just enunciate is that, to emphatically know me better, join me ones, involve me twice, necessitate me thrice and that’s the perfect time to say something about me or any other people as a whole.
D – oes that mean something to you? Would it be applicable for you? Well, I would tell you, you can’t judge the book by its own cover. Define not the person by his appearance, you may eventually give a misleading information.
I – n such cases, be very careful about dealing with other people, they are as fragile as glasses. Too delicate to handle that you have to deal with extra care. They are also too precious to lose.
S – o, be gentle to those you meet everyday. Take them as special people in your life. They may in turn treat you the same way.
P – ut your shoes into their shoes, and you will feel what they are experiencing. In doing so, you won’t feel you are elevated and advanced than them. Be humble at all times.
U – nderstanding each other is one most important to happily deal with one another. So, I do try to do so. Take care of me, too. I’ll tell you who I really am and you would understand me more. Here we go. Fasten your seatbelt as we travel.
T – ax, the name I have been using since I was in high school. So many of my friends call me one. If you feel like you belong to them, find comfort to call me that. I would love to.
E – ustaquio III is my real first name. Kinda old one, yeah? Yet it’s so treasured by my family. It’s a name for three generations. Sound like Spanish as they say. Probably! Treat that with due respect.
D – amaolao is my surname. So please do esteem every person you meet daily. So do I. You can search my real name using Google, and you would know me more. Thanks people! Take care always.
Friday, April 18, 2008
…nO bLoWiNg Of CaNdLeS
Such a good-looking cake they prepared. T’was a chocolate cake. Perfectly decorated. I do appreciate all of you, guys. They lit the candles for me. The big candle opened like petals of flowers, with candles on each, such a beautiful one.
We started singing and dancing again few minutes later. Then, we parted ways a short
…KTV – tHe rEtUrN
Everybody tried to pick their songs and showed their hidden
We had our songs one after the other. I also had the chance of sharing my hidden talent to them. And we all laughed. I like that place for they have lots of English songs, than that of the other night. And indeed, they also tried to sing a
Guys, thanks for that marvelous time. I did enjoy it. My 25th birthday really was one of the most
…bIrThDaY – tHe RePeAt
I was kinda shy to these people for I was late in going to the restaurant. I did a special speech training for an hour for those who were not able to come the other week. I came there at 7:00pm, right after my class, but we agreed to meet at 6:00. I told them about it, though. But I still felt shy about it. I don’t want them to wait for me for that long. I got no choice, anyway.
One picked me up at school for I don’t know how to get there. thanks Jim for that. When we came in, they were of course, there waiting for us. I did
We did have a nice chat as we enjoyed the food. Some cracked jokes while we were eating and we all laughed. We truly had a great time together. We shared our experiences and so on.
I just wanna express my warmest and heartfelt gratitude to all of these people; Stephen (a Canadian guy, foreign teacher in the teacher’s college here), thank you for spending your precious moment with me. I know you are pretty busy, too. But you did come. Thanks a lot. To Jim, for picking me up and for arranging
"Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another." --Eustace Budgell
…oNe Of A kInD
It's my first time to receive a birthday card from
I was touched as I read it. Thank you so much everyone. It made my day so special, as well as my feelings. In addition to that, I was indeed very happy. Words may not be enough to express it. Thanks a million times.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
…bLoW tHe CaNdLeS
“Blow the candles, time to blow them
Darkness covered the room that time as I lit the candles while everyone was singing. I blew the candles of the two cakes after I
…gIfTs I rEcEiVeD
Amazing gifts amused my eyes and diverted
of their presents. They, too enjoyed watching me opening them and capturing pictures at the same time. They also explained why they planned to buy them as I tore the wrappers. I couldn’t put in words what I felt that time. Indescribable! Well, thanks to all of you. I am in truth happy for your gifts. I just don’t know how to give back the
…MiXeD fEeLiNgS
I don’t know how to thank you enough. Words are not sufficient to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you. Thank you and thank you so much. You really were there during the times I badly need someone to be with, talk to and enjoy my day. To my adult students: John, Chris, Linda, Jupiter with his lovely wife and super
It wouldn't be a such happy moment if without you guys. I
…OnLiNe GrEeTiNgS
This is what I was just expecting from my family and friends back home. And they did. A lot of them did. With my friendster account, many tried their best to greet me on my special day, no matter how busy they were, they really spent time just to send their greetings to me. Highly valued guys! I do appreciate your efforts.
With my facebook account, quite a few spent their precious time just to greet me that time. Thanks to all of you people. I just couldn’t reply you all at the same time, ‘coz I am also a little busy. I am just going to tell you, I do appreciate what you did. Thanks for that.
With my yahoo account, e-mail and my messenger, super many of them greeted me. Since I wasn’t online for the entire day, I just opened this morning. A lot of offline messages from my dear family members and friends. E-mails also were sent that day, but I just read them today. To all of those who are so concern about me and truly remember my special day, it’s an honor to have you all. I am so lucky to have you, so precious and dear to me. Thanks for you comments and greetings. I just wish and pray that you are also happy everyday just like what you wished for me. Thank you so much everyone. Let’s pray for one another. Have a good time everyone!
…mY fIrSt TiMe
So as to mention, every time I go to grocery store, I never minded looking at them, for I knew the fact that they are not that pleasing. I always have this in mind, though I truly want to buy even a kilo.
When I passed the fruits section, one time, April 16, my birthday exactly, I was astonished as I looked at them. They were somewhat saying, “Look at me now.” They were very beautiful that time, so smooth, so yellow and so fragrant. I felt
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
…a ReMiNiScEnT tImE

I have several impressions in mind now. I keep thinking of, “If only I were with my family, if only I were home, if only were not away, if only I were with my friends, if only they were here, if only we were together, if only… if only… if only…, I wouldn’t have felt this way, I wouldn’t have been lonely, I wouldn’t have been sad, I wouldn’t have felt homesick, I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t…"
Somewhat I hate everything. I do love music, yet I don’t want to listen to it. It would just somehow add my loneliness, especially listening to songs we usually sang together before. I would just remember those times the more, and add this odd feeling of mine. I don’t know what to do. I can’t understand. I just badly miss them, I guess. That’s why I don’t want to remember special occasions, ‘coz it would just make me feel lonely, instead of being happy. Well, thanks to technology that it’s just easy to communicate with them. But sadness still rules my world at this time. Yeah, I can do it. It would just be over in due time. I only have to be strong. Thanks a lot guys!
…tHe DaY I wAs BoRn

Well, now that I am away, I just wish I could make myself go back to the day I was born. I would never have felt sadness or

Exactly 25 years ago, everybody was totally happy especially my family and all people around me, seeing a healthy baby came to witness the beauty of the world. They had a blank idea of what and who would I become in the future.

…tHoUgHtFuL PaLs
Thanks to my sponsors! LOL. My colleagues bought me some presents. They do find time to look for one and gave me this afternoon. There’s just one present I found so peculiar. Amazing! I couldn’t imagine ‘coz I never heard of this before.
When she handed over her present, she told me that I should be careful in opening it. It’s fragile she said. So I slowly opened the gift, tore its wrapper and opened the box. I saw a glass covered with somewhat foil and there’s water inside. As I picked it up. There are two fishes in side. Pretty small. It’s totally covered. I innocently asked, “How will I feed them?” They answered, no, no need to feed them. They won’t die for four or even five months. They added, I only have to put it in a cold place. No sunshine at all.
People, thanks a lot for that. I do appreciate them. Once again, I gratefully thank you.
So, my boss called the place in advance. Then he also phoned all my adult students and reminded them again and told them the place. So, see you all later, guys! Let’s enjoy and have fun. Thanks for being with me as I celebrate my happy moment. Let’s have a good time. Let’s party!
…I dIdN’t ExPeCt
Someone actually asked me about it few days ago, but I didn’t answer yet. She asked whether it would be this month or on June, but somebody interrupted. Then, I wasn’t able to tell. So they were really surprised today.
They went home early in the morning. I was left alone in the office. I was a little sad. So I went home, too after few minutes. And when I came back in the afternoon, they weren’t in the office yet. Kinda strange ‘coz usually, they will arrive earlier than me. Only to find out, they bought some presents for me. I was so elated. Thanks for them. I somehow forget my loneliness and homesickness. I feel I’m at home with my friends. Thanks a lot! I cordially appreciate your efforts to comfort me. Thanks you very much.
…YoU aRe CoRdIaLLY iNvItEd
It’s my silver birth anniversary, 25 years of existence and survival here in this battlefield, we call earth. I have fought a good fight, as St. Paul said, combating all the hassles that I met along the way. Thanks to all the people who in one way or another gave me a hand as I go on my way each day. Thanks a lot to all of you.
With this special day, come and join me in my happiness. Let’s forget our troubles. Set them aside and be free from them. For a short moment, let’s be happy and celebrate this such a special day. Let’s go to dinner together and KTV afterwards. Let’s have fun this day. Let’s be happy! Thanks a lot.
I have accumulated a lot of learning from the poem, for it talks about life, attaining happiness, and, of course, the struggles one must do to achieve it. It gave me ideas on how to live my life in accordance with what is socially upright and ethically accepted. It showed me rooms for improvement, betterment and success. It opened wide doors for me to valiantly face the real life, the battle here on earth.
This is such an interesting and educating poem. Come, read and learn from it. Just like I did. Take you time and have fun.
"Desiderata" (Latin for "desired things", plural of desideratum) is an inspirational prose poem about attaining happiness in life. It was first copyrighted in 1927 by Max Ehrmann.
In the 1960s it was widely circulated without attribution to Ehrmann, sometimes with the claim that it was found in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, Maryland, and was written in 1692 (the year of the founding of St. Paul's). Nevertheless, the estate of Ehrmann has kept various editions of the work in print. A spoken-word recording of the essay was made by Les Crane and reached #8 on the Billboard magazine charts in late 1971.
At least one court case has held the poem to be forfeited to the public domain because of distribution during and before World War II, but other cases have ruled that the assignee through Ehrmann's heirs holds the purchased copyright.
Max Ehrmann (September 26, 1872 - September 9, 1945), an attorney from Indiana, was best known for writing the prose

Ehrmann, who was of German descent, received a degree in English from DePauw University, followed by a degree in Philosophy from Harvard University. He then returned to his hometown of Terre Haute, Indiana to practice law. Eventually this led him to work in his family's meatpacking business and in the overalls manufacturing industry. Finally at the age of 41, Ehrmann decided to forget such work and become a writer. At the age of 55 he wrote Desiderata, which achieved fame only after his death.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
…A pSaLm Of LiFe
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream ! —
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Life is real ! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal ;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way ;
But to act, that each tomorrow
Find us farther than today.
Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave.
In the world's broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle !
Be a hero in the strife !
Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant !
Let the dead Past bury its dead !
Act,— act in the living Present !
Heart within, and God o'erhead !
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time ;
Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate ;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.

…tAkE mE oUt Of ThE dArK
Gary Valenciano
Just what is it in me?
Edgardo Jose Martin Santiago Valenciano, better known as simply Gary Valenciano (shortened to Gary V.),

… tHaNkS I mEt YoU
Last night, we had a grand dinner together. I met another new friend, Saus, I hope I made the correct spelling, their classmate in university. They are indeed very successful in their states of life. I can barely see it in their status now in the society. They are all good speakers of English, too. They have a good command of the language. Really great at their age, ‘coz as I know, only the new generations are studying English here. They are a few of the exemption! They are veritably clever, as I observed. They are in truth fortunate and successful.
In the same way, I am very open to them. I feel I am accepted. I do belong. Thanks for that feeling. I showed one to my flat after our dinner, which is not what I used to do with some of my friends. But with them, I feel so open. I am too flattered that they like to be with me, too. He helped me solve with the water problem in my flat. I was really grateful to him. Jim, thanks a lot. We had a great chat before he went home.
To everyone, be true and be what and who you are, and you will find people to understand you. And value them as you value your life. Take care of your friends.
…MeLaNcHoLiC yEt FeLiCiToUs
Marked by the intense attention to the dramatical growth of my weight, I did lots of exercises every morning. I was kinda sad of having avoirdupois in the near future, ‘coz it’s in our race. My elder brother even is veritably fat at a very young age. I don’t want that to happen to me. So I must do something about it, I forced myself. I have to fight this fact as I convinced myself, I can manage the situation. I highly believe of the saying, “When there’s a will, there’s a way.” Pretty true, right?
Supervising oneself should be put in mind by all people, whether there’s development or its contrary in whatever they do. In doing so, life would be more meaningful and the world is such a wonderful place to be lived in. Everyone is so concern about everything, for everybody’s welfare. What a life if that happens!
As I monitored myself lately, after a faithful exercises every morning for almost three weeks now, I absolutely felt complete difference than before doing some exercises. When I ckecked my weight this morning, I was in truth surprised. I sharply dropped my weight. I am successful with my goal. I lost 5 kilograms in just more than two weeks. Amazingly great! Thanks to the sports complex near my flat, it somehow invites me to do exercises every morning.
So to all, there’s nothing impossible to a willing heart. No matter how difficult it may seem, but if you have the will to do it, you would truly succeed. Believe in yourself! If you won’t, who would? Trsut yourself and have faith to the One above!
…I dIeD SeVeRaL tImEs BeFoRe
Well guys, I’m talking of different thing here. It’s not what you are thinking. Whether it is true or not, whether you believe in it or not, it lies in your hand. I have nothing to do about it. It is your right to do so. I do respect you for that. But as what I have said, it’s not what I am talking about. Then, what is that? you may ask.
Monday, April 14, 2008
…QuItE eXpEnSiVe, HuH?
Well, I went to the supermarket one Monday evening. Something caught really my attention, ‘coz they are perfectly dissimilar to many. They are pretty smooth than others, big as compared to some, and reasonably yellow than the majority. I induced closer to them. I really wanted to buy them directly for I do miss eating them.
I was just shocked upon asking the price, really expensive. Proudly presents, Mabuhay Pilipinas! as I read the sticker attached to them. Straight from the Philippines. I was kinda happy as I read it. I felt I ‘m at home. Do you know what they are? Bananas! Dole! I bought some, around six pieces, I guess, it cost 10.29 RMB or approximately 70 pesos. Imagine! Pretty expensive, huh! But I do like it, of course, I love my own, as they said. But I really love eating them. For me, its price was just precise for it is imported. And they are worth it. Buy some if you see them. Absolutely mouth-watering!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
…gReAt HaPpInEsS
Many people crave for happiness, including myself. I always want to be happy. I am indeed a happy fellow, as others define me. I also want to make other people happy especially in their times of distress. But there are also many people, no matter how they tried to be happy, they can’t achieve it. As if it even goes away from them. While there are those people who are unhappy when they see other people happy and successful. I have had some experiences with these kind of people, I met them several times. They want to take away your happiness for they are not. What should you do if you met them?
Based from my limited experiences regarding this matter, I am not affected with these people. I just don’t mind them. As long as I am doing what is right, I don’t step on others’s rights, I don’t deceive people just to attain it, I am as strong as a tree. I am not bothered with them. If they say something against me just to put me down, for as long as I know I have a clean conscience, I’m not affected. Even if the world goes against me, it won’t cause me trouble. I would even be happy at least I would know who are really with me and against me. I hold to those who are with me, as long as I know I am in the right path.
What about you, how would you deal with this situation? Do you have the courage to face the world? That even the one you consider one of your best friends goes against you, even betrays you? What would you do?
Well, friends, we have the right to be happy. Behold not to those who caused you pain, yet forgive them. Don’t fight back. They will just realize sooner or later that they’ve done wrong. Be even grateful to them. You have the chance to sacrifice. Let’s always strive to be happy, no matter what.